It really is a bare knuckle ride this Core Gallery craziness!
We wait on tenterhooks for the website to be up and running, a little overdue, but of course as someone is helping us out with this our hands are tied- however as we have 2,500 flyers with our non existent website it is quite a nightmare!
The gallery, artist led, is coming into its own in terms of people coming together with a shared vision and making things work!
I spent 3 days designing/ advising /liasing on a new banner for our front gate with Leyla, Gillian and Elizabeth. Leyla was a star thrashing out changes and layout with me making charming but nonetheless firm phone calls to the banner company as I slowly wept over fig rolls …oh and the banner has the website too in very big letters…..yes as I say fingers crossed on that front!. So in the interim, all our info is here:
Chantelle, our press officer has worked tirelessly on mailings and has managed to get us featured on artrabbit and updated listings endlessly as each artist in the chain is announced, revising press releases, distributing press releases etc ;
Kasia has put together all the posters and invites- again endlessly updating and revising!
At the gallery we have our first artist Iris Priest who has come from Newcastle to draw her work directly onto our walls….the other works are still to come but its very exciting to have someone here making works here!
Enver our efficiency co-ordinator ( self named! ) and my partner has been sorting out the gallery space and the launch night in terms of entertainment ( which is going to be the excellent La Donne and the Islington Boys Club) and generally holding my hand, making coffee, soothing noises and listening to my ideas and backing me up.
Not only do we have this going on but we also have an external studio members exhibition which opened last night near to the Tate Modern , which was selected by the excellent artist Silvia Battista.
The Truth is Rarely Pure and Never Simple
Nolias Gallery
60 Great Suffolk Street
Gillian our studio manager is part of the London Fringe Festival committee and our exhibition was part of the launch of a visual arts competition. Gillian answers about 50 emails from me a day and is super efficient juggling all her commitments all with a beaming smile on her face. The PV was very good fun although I found many blank holes in my brain where people’s names were meant to be- as Core Gallery consumes my every thought!
There have been meetings and meetings and meetings, teaching and guest lecturing, and a little bit of soothing painting in between.
More plots are afoot about core gallery and my own place in being part of something may become a lot more entrenched as I am interested in creating a professional development network with my clever studio mate Elizabeth in Deptford and nearby areas……just a teeny tiny funding bid to put together in 2 weeks amidst the Exquisite madness!
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