Saturday, April 17, 2010

Exquisite Corpse Artists announced!

To Dischord of Many Hearts, Justin Richel, selected by Sarah Schuster

Exciting news from Nick about the artists who have been chosen for Exquisite Corpse :

(In the order they appear in the chain)

Liv Pennington, Lucy Newman, Tasha Aulls, Justin Richel, Leni Kauffman, Nicky Deeley, David Raymond Conroy, Linda Florence, Iris Priest. Jock Mooney and Rebecca Birch !

Due to our excellent press officer Chantelle Purcell, Art rabbit are going to feature Exquisite Corpse on their home page, the South London press and BBC may also be attending the exhibtion which is also great news!

I also may even be given the gift of an intern if I am super lucky!

I cant believe we are already near the end of April......and the launch of Core Gallery

1 comment:

  1. Just a question...who is the efficiency co-ordinator for this project???
